Aortic surgery guidelines
باختصار شديد: البرنامج رائع! يقدم البرنامج أحدث التوصيات و الإرشادات السريرية guidelines للعلاج الجراحي للشريان الأبهر (الشريان الأورطي)، كما يقدم لك النصح لمقاربة مريضك مبنية على المعطيات التي تقوم بتوفيرها عنها (القطر، شكل أم الدم و بنيتها) إلخ. البرنامج حسن التصميم، و هو منصوح به بشدة لمقيمي و اختصاصي جراحة الأوعية و القلب!
Aorta provides the guidelines recommendation based on a set of easy data entry points, which the user simply needs to fill out. The app then combines all the elements and informs the clinician about the presence or absence of a surgical indication according to the AHA, AATS, ACC, CCS and ESC guidelines.
Aorta is an easy-to-use and comprehensive guide to individualized indications for aortic surgery.
Aorta aims to provide clinicians caring for patients with aortic pathologies with patient-specific recommendations for aortic surgery based on the American Heart Association AHA, American Association for Thoracic Surgeons AATS, American College of Cardiology ACC, Canadian Cardiovascular Society CCS and European Society of Cardiology ESC guidelines on aortic diseases.
Aorta is the ultimate pocket tool you need when making “grey area” decisions about recommending your patient for surgery.
Key features
- Guides the user through a set of essential questions for clinical decision-making
- Provides a clear recommendation for clinicians caring for specific patients
How it works
The mechanism is really simple: you fill the form asking informations about your patient (size of the Ascending aorta or root aneurysm). After you submit the form, the application analyze your answers and will display your recommendations about aortic surgery depending on your patient conditions. So it can recommend you an aortic replacement or to make an aggressive follow up depending on the ascending aorta size or if your patient has family history of aortic dissection. The indications given by the applications are based on aortic surgery guidelines from AHA, ACC, AATS, STS, CCS and ESC.