IV Stroke Thrombolysis
استخدام حالات الخثرات في حالات الجلطات الدموية قد يكون منقذاً للحياة أو قد يكون خطيراً لما قد يسبب من نزوفات قاتلة. يقدم لك هذا التطبيق ما تحتاج معرفته حول استخدام حالات الخثرات، جرعاتها و مضادات استطباباها.
This app from the Kerala Association of Neurologists is intended for bedside use for acute stroke thrombolysis by clinicians. Features available include:
- Storage of basic patient details
- Comprehensive Thrombolysis Check List
- An easy-to-use NIH Stroke Scale Calculator
- rt-PA Dose Calculator
- Modified Rankin Scale Calculator
- Storage of follow up visit details
- Export & send formatted printable (.html) reports
- Patient details can be shared by SMS or any other available messaging options: hence the app is also ready to be used as a Telestroke accessory tool, if necessary.
- The patient list and details can also be exported & sent as a spreadsheet (.csv) file for sharing / research.
The app was developed by Dr Mohan Noone with ideas and content provided by Dr Rithesh Ramankutty R and Dr Vikram Huded, and is free to download and use.